Saturday, March 14, 2009


I breathed in, just as the message said, but my breath was only
25% of what it should have been.

After years of smoking two packs a day, I gave myself emphysema.

To all your readers who are smokers, please stop!
For your own sake, please stop smoking before you end up like me!

You CAN quit! Just ask God for help, and you can do all things...

~A comment on the issue "Deep Breath."

To help you stop smoking read "Weeds and Seeds."


Blogger Razzer said...

Awww man...Smoking sucks big time..
n' It's a monster to get rid of it.
It's sad..really.


March 18, 2009 11:44 AM  
Blogger Gauri Mathur said...

It sucks!
And the smoke is too irritating!

March 21, 2009 1:32 AM  

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