Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Do You Hear?


Listen carefully

What do you hear?

This is what I hear

1. My computer's fan?
2. The refrigerator
3. Rain
4. My breathing
5. The keyboard clicking as I type
6. Every rustle of clothing and body as I move
7. Faint noises that I can't even identify

Be Thankful

~A MountainWings Original~


"I wish I were seven," Christian said.

Christian (my six-year-old son) and I were going into my office
when he made the comment.

"Why do you wish you were seven?" I asked him.

"Because if I were seven, then I would be closer to eight,"
he replied.

Time sure does change how we look at age doesn't it?

We may not be getting closer to eight
but we are getting closer to The Gate.

Perhaps we should take a more "Christian" view:
we are not getting older,
we are getting closer to heaven.

~A MountainWings Original~

Not Me

I am not me anymore, least I'm not the same me that I was.

from the movie, The Motorcycle Diaries

Give Thanks

It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same
~Naomi Williams~

In each of our lives, for whatever reason, there are times that
we are faced with things that just don't make sense to us.

And the more we struggle to understand our hardships,
the less any of it makes sense.

I have found that in every challenge and obstacle that we are
faced with there *can* be good that can come from it!
While it's almost never easy to identify, I assure you that it
is there, lying dormant just waiting for us to release it!

I urge everyone to spend your days looking for positives in your
~Josh Hinds~

Just be grateful and you can't be depressed.

What positives have you given thanks for today?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I breathed in, just as the message said, but my breath was only
25% of what it should have been.

After years of smoking two packs a day, I gave myself emphysema.

To all your readers who are smokers, please stop!
For your own sake, please stop smoking before you end up like me!

You CAN quit! Just ask God for help, and you can do all things...

~A comment on the issue "Deep Breath."

To help you stop smoking read "Weeds and Seeds."

The First and The Last Mile

I just finished jogging.

It's 7:12 a.m.

During the run, many revelations came that paralleled this
Mmorning's run to life.

There are two very difficult miles to run no matter how long
the run.

The First and the Last Mile.

I usually run five miles or more.

The first mile is the hardest and the one most missed.
You see, you have to get started to run the first mile.

It's hard to get started.

I have to get out of bed.

Those first few steps that wake a sleeping body
are part of the first mile.

They are tougher than the steepest hill.

You have a race to run, a course to complete,
or a project that awaits you.

You too have a first mile.; Aand your first mile is tough,
just like mine.

When I take my first step outside most of my run is completed.
I've accomplished the hardest part.

I've gotten started and stepped out.

The next few steps bring out the stiffness of your body as the
muscles stretch and your lungs fill with the crisp, cool morning
air. It's still dark outside and menacing shadows reach out
from strange corners.

Darkness creates a different, somewhat eerie world.
There could be dangers in the shadows, but danger usually doesn't
get up this early.

If there are any aches and pains,
the first mile will bring them out.

The greatest probability that you will give up and turn back is
in the first mile.

The vast majority make new year's resolutions each year.
Most have broken them at the end of the first two weeks.
The first two weeks is the first mile.

Miles 2, 3 and 4 are usually uneventful, but the last mile is a
doozy. There is something about the last mile that's a real
strain, and it doesn't matter whether I am running 2 miles or 10
miles. The last mile is a real strain.

And so it is with life.

To get started is a strain.

To finish is a strain.

The First and The Last Mile

What's your first mile?

~A MountainWings Original~

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's Your Price?

Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
~George Washington~

Virtue begins when it can't be bought.
~Nathaniel Bronner Jr.~

Deep Breath


Take a deep breath

Where you able to do it?

Did it hurt?

Be Thankful

~A MountainWings Original~

Over and Over Again

"Successful people do what they need to do, when they need to
do it, over and over again, even when they don't feel like it!"
~Brian Tracy~

My Cup Has Overflowed

I Drink From My Saucer

I've never made a fortune,
and I'll never make one now,
But it really doesn't matter
'cause I'm happy anyhow.

As I go along my journey
I'm reaping better than I've showed.
I'm drinking from the saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

I don't have a lot of riches,
And sometimes the going's tough
But with kin and friends to love me
I think I'm rich enough.

I thank God to the blessings
That His mercy has bestowed.
I'm drinking from the saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

He gives me strength and courage
When the way grows steep and rough,
I'll not ask for other blessings for
I'm already blessed enough.

May we never be too busy
To help bear another load.
Then we'll all be drinking from the saucer
When our cups have overflowed.

~(c) John Moore, 1970~